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17 Aug 2023

loft ladder


Installing a loft ladder isn’t a legal requirement. There are plenty of ladder options out there to help you get into your loft. But who wants to traipse out to the shed or garage to get a ladder every time they need to grab something up there? Dragging a damp, dirty ladder that’s likely been gathering dust through your house is not ideal.

A loft ladder is the perfect solution.

It’s not only a matter of convenience, either. There are so many benefits that come with installing a loft ladder in your home.


14 Aug 2023

wide selection of different step ladders including heavy duty step ladders, fibreglass step ladders, step ladders with hand rails, tall step ladders and short step ladders

Step ladders are ideal for a whole host of jobs around the home and the workplace. Typically, they’re best used on small to medium-sized jobs, but there are a variety of step ladder sizes available.

When discussing the size of a step ladder, we need to think about both the height and width. In terms of height, you also need to consider the open height, reach height and stored height before concluding which will best fit your space.


10 Aug 2023

small step ladder

Both ladders and step ladders are great pieces of equipment to have on hand, but how do you know which one will work best for you? In this blog, we’ll break down the key differences between ladders and step ladders to help you choose the right one.


07 Aug 2023

man on ladder

In most situations, you can use a ladder alone. If you’re at home and a bulb or smoke alarm battery needs changing, you can set up a step ladder or step stool to tackle the job on your own.

But is it really safe to use a ladder alone? Read on to find out more.


03 Aug 2023


Keeping your gutters clear is an important part of household maintenance. It prevents damp seeping in through the walls if the gutters overflow, and it extends their lifespan by preventing damage.

You’ll need a ladder to clear the gutters out, but how can you make sure your ladder doesn’t damage the guttering? Read on to find out.
