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22 Jul 2024

Transporting a ladder can be a challenging task, especially if you only have a car at your disposal (as opposed to a van or truck).

We know it can be tempting to just stick the ladder in your car boot and begin your journey home, but there are a number of laws in place that you risk breaking if you allow the ladder to overhang your vehicle.


What Not to Do

In a recent news story from Bradford, a car was stopped on a major road after police saw a ladder hanging out of the boot (see tweet below).

Police say they dealt with the driver appropriately for having an insecure load. That ladder could have caused a lot of damage if it had fallen onto the road, so the police were quite right to intervene here.

We know this is an extreme case of an insecure load, but it may lead you to wonder: what exactly is the law on overhanging loads? Can you drive with something hanging out of your boot?


Overhanging Loads - The Law

If you are driving with your boot open to transport a ladder, you must ensure that nothing protrudes more than six inches to the side or three feet to the rear of your car’s outline. Anything that goes beyond these dimensions without following the proper protocol outlined below is classed as an “abnormal load” and is considered illegal.

If the ladder is overhanging between 1 and 2 metres at the back of your vehicle, you must make sure that the end of the ladder is clearly visible to other road users. You can do this by covering it in a hi-vis vest or brightly coloured cloth.

If the ladder is overhanging between 2 and 3.05 metres from the front or back of your vehicle, you must use rear and side marker boards to alert other road users to the overhang. Additionally, if the load is at the front of the vehicle, you will be required to have an attendant present.

If the ladder is overhanging at the front or back of your vehicle by over 3.05 metres, you must give the police 2 clear working days’ notice before your journey and will also need an attendant present.

For more tips on how to transport a ladder, read our blog post on ladder transportation guidelines.


The Easiest Ladders to Transport

Here at Ladders UK Direct we have a perfect solution to the ladder transportation problem – Telescopic Ladders.

Telescopic ladders are an increasingly popular ladder choice since they are easy to store, easy to transport and easy to handle. When collapsed, these ladders are small enough to fit in your car boot with no trouble!

We offer a selection of telescopic ladders at Ladders Direct UK. Ranging from heavy duty styles perfect for trade to more lightweight designs, they’re ideal for popping in the boot and using for all sorts of jobs around the house.

Check out our full range of telescopic ladders by clicking the button below – and remember to stay aware of overhanging load laws at all times when transporting items with your car boot open!

Telescopic Ladders

15 Jul 2024

Ladders have been helping us with our daily lives for over 10,000 years – we know this because they can be seen in Spanish cave paintings from around 8,000 BC and are even mentioned in the Bible. The word “ladder” therefore holds a rich history that dates back centuries.

Ladder cave painting

Ngaro Cave Painting by Diane Wade Kettle is licensed under CC BY-SA 3.0


12 Jul 2024

Ladders have played a surprisingly pivotal role in all sorts of different video games, from AAA shooters and action-adventure titles to visual novels and cosy life sims.

In our Ladders in Video Games series, we spotlight some of our favourite video game ladders – and today we're looking at the ladders (or should that be *step* ladders?) that pop up in just about every instalment of Capcom's Ace Attorney series.

Ace Attorney Ladders

In the Ace Attorney games, you play as a defence lawyer (normally the hedgehog-haired Phoenix Wright, although other characters get to share his spotlight later on) who is fighting to clear his client's name. Virtually every case involves a murder and a wrongly-accused individual, and it's on you to spot the flaws in the prosecution's seemingly airtight case.


04 Jul 2024

man climbing a rolling ladder

Rolling ladders are essential in commercial and industrial settings like warehouses and stock rooms for accessing high objects quickly. To reposition a rolling ladder, all you need to do is carefully tilt it backwards and push it to your desired location to have stable and secure access to your goods in seconds.

These may be easy ladders to use, but using them incorrectly could result in injury to you and those around you. Before getting work, familiarise yourself with the rolling ladder safety tips below...


28 Jun 2024

Climbing down a ladder

When you're using a ladder, safety should be your top priority at all times - including when you're climbing down the ladder.

Falls from ladders are a common cause of injury both at home and in the workplace, so don't allow yourself to become complacent. You may have finished changing that light bulb (or whatever it was you needed the ladder for) but until both of your feet are firmly on the ground, there's still a chance that you could fall and hurt yourself.
