DIY work can be an exciting way to reinvent your space, however can become very dangerous if you don’t consider your safety. In fact, every year DIY work is responsible for around 70 deaths and 250,000 serious injuries, the majority of which are caused by improper ladder safety.
This blog will go over our top 5 ladder safety tips for you to bear in mind next time you want to use a ladder for your DIY job.

It’s OK to use ladders and stepladders on site as long as you consider the following in your risk assessment:

The humble ladder is plagued by myriad myths and misconceptions that just won’t go away.
Let’s dispel some lies!

The Health & Safety Executive (HSE) has put various restrictions and regulations in place to help reduce the risks associated with ladders and step ladders. In this blog, we will run through the laws and safety guidelines that currently apply to ladder usage in the UK – let’s get started!

Whether at work or around the house, no ladder lasts forever. Inevitably, the day will come when a routine inspection reveals that your trusty ladder is no longer safe to use and it’s time to get a new one.
But what exactly are the signs that you need to be looking for? What are the indications that your ladder needs to be replaced?