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26 Nov 2024

Ladder safety for kids

Ladder Safety for Kids

It’s easy to forget how often kids encounter ladders in their day-to-day lives, but your child probably climbs ladders more often than you do! Whether they’re climbing monkey bars on the playground or bunk beds at home, teaching your children ladder safety at a young age will help to keep them safe in a variety of situations. Read on to learn our ladder safety tips for kids!


23 Aug 2024

How to use a ladder safely

Here at Ladders UK Direct, we want you to be as safe as possible when you’re working at height. Falling off a ladder can cause injuries or even death, so here’s some expert advice to help you stay safe when using your ladder.

NOTE: The advice below is primarily focused on the safe use of leaning ladders. If you’re using a step ladder, see How to Use a Step Ladder Safely.


04 Jul 2024

man climbing a rolling ladder

Rolling ladders are essential in commercial and industrial settings like warehouses and stock rooms for accessing high objects quickly. To reposition a rolling ladder, all you need to do is carefully tilt it backwards and push it to your desired location to have stable and secure access to your goods in seconds.

These may be easy ladders to use, but using them incorrectly could result in injury to you and those around you. Before getting work, familiarise yourself with the rolling ladder safety tips below...
