Storing your ladder properly can make all the difference to how long it lasts. Your ladder takes care of you while you're using it, so make sure you take care of it when you're not!
Ladders that are stored incorrectly can topple over, cause injury or start to rust/deteriorate, so it's important you take the time to find an ideal storage space before you put your ladder away.
Here at Ladders UK Direct, the ladders we offer are generally made of long-lasting materials like aluminium, fibreglass and steel. That being said, incorrect storage can turn a perfectly good ladder into a dangerous piece of equipment. Proper ladder storage will prolong your ladder's life and will keep you and other people in your home/business safe.
How should I store my ladder?
If you're stuck for places to store your ladder, you have a few options. The safest option is to invest or create a ladder rack in your garage or shed where you can store your ladder on the wall horizontally. With support points along the length of the ladder, the chances of it falling on a passer-by are very slim.
The second best option is to lay your ladder completely flat on the ground. Yes, this might be a trip hazard (so be careful where you lay it), but it's certainly not going to fall on top of anyone from the floor.
Understandably, not everyone will have the means to store their ladders horizontally, or the space to have their ladders stored on the ground which leads us to the question...
Can I store my ladder standing up?
Yes - ladders can be stored standing up, but it's not the safest method of ladder storage. Ladders that are stored standing up are far more likely to topple over than ladders that are stored laying down or horizontally on a ladder rack.
For that reason, we'd only recommend storing your ladders standing up if you've got no other alternative. If you're worried about storing your ladders, we'd highly recommend checking out our ladder locks and ladder storage hooks. These products are specifically designed to make it easy for you to store ladders of all shapes and sizes.
Read More: Ladder Storage: How to Store Your Ladder
If you're looking for new ladders to add to your home or business equipment kit, we have a diverse range of ladders on offer. Shop Now!
Ladders can be valuable, and as such, they're a somewhat popular target for thieves. It's important to store your ladder securely if you don't want to lose it.

Credit: Wellcome Images (via Wikimedia Commons)
Many people store their ladders outdoors, but that's a bad idea for several reasons - not least because it makes your ladder fairly easy to steal.

Transporting a ladder can be tricky, especially if it's a long extension ladder. Ladders generally won't fit in a car boot, so unless you have a van or a pickup truck, your best option is probably to place the ladder on the roof of your car (as pictured above).
Whatever method you use, it's very important to ensure that the ladder is properly secured before you set off. Imagine how much damage your ladder might cause if it fell off your vehicle and into the path of other road users - it doesn't bear thinking about!

Pictured: LadderLok ladder storage hooks
Where possible, ladders should be stored horizontally, somewhere cool and dry. You can store ladders standing up, but this is not advised due to the risk of them falling and being damaged.