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what size ladder do I need for a 3-storey house?

3-storey houses aren’t as common as 2-storey or even single-storey houses in the UK, but they do exist.

On average, a 3-storey house is typically between 9 and 10 metres tall. The exact height will of course vary from one property to the next.

As you’d imagine, the additional height can make it difficult to access the roof, gutters and upper windows of a 3-storey home. Fortunately, there are ladders out there that enable you to reach them. To make sure you do so safely, here’s some handy guidance.


How to calculate the correct ladder length for a 3-storey house

When using an extension ladder to work on your 3-storey house, you must make sure that you can comfortably reach your windows or gutters while keeping your waist below the ladder stiles.

As a rule of thumb, your ladder should reach at least one metre further than the highest point you intend to work at. For example, if you wish to work on the gutters of a 3-storey house that stands 9 metres tall (not including the roof), your extension ladder should be at least 10 metres tall.

If you only need to access a third-floor window, depending on the height of the window, one of our 8 metre or 9 metre ladders should be tall enough, so long as you follow the rules outlined above.

However, if you plan on working on the actual roof of your 3-storey property, we strongly recommend using a roof ladder instead. These ladders are specially designed with hooked edges that provide extra stability as you work.


Choosing a ladder at Ladders UK Direct

If you’re not sure which ladder is right for your 3-storey property, or if you think you’d benefit from speaking with a member of our team, please do not hesitate to get in touch. We’re more than happy to help.

We stock a wide range of double and triple extension ladders as well as roof ladders suited to 3-storey houses. Shop below.

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